Yes, I am still in separation with my twin and my guides say that will last a couple more years, but I can look at his picture now and not feel sick, I can send him my love and my energy from the highest, purest vibration. I don't need him anymore, because I have him now.
This is a very real phenomena. Whatever you are going through, it is real and unless someone has been through it, they will not understand it and so sadly, that often leaves us very isolated. I write this blog, along with my others, for the very purpose of walking with you through this. I am in a high place these days and its beautiful there, but I have never forgotten the low valleys of this journey.
There were moments during this that I was literally curled in a ball on my bed, writhing in pain. I'd never felt anything like it.
This is physical, this is spiritual, this is emotional. You are not crazy.
I had no idea what was going on and no, my twin never
felt pain like I did, but then I wasn't the one falling in love with someone else and making him watch. He wasn't the one left alone at night knowing I was in someone else's bed. I was the one with that distinct pleasure and in the end, though our split was instigated by him, I was so ready for it. I prayed every day for probably three months after that god wouldn't let him contact me because I knew I wasn't strong enough to tell him no and I needed to be left alone.
No one has the right to hurt you, dismiss you, or treat you with anything less than respect and dignity. Just because they are your twin, does not give them an exception to this. You are a beautiful soul and your twin situation will work itself out, it is okay for you to be the one to leave, the one to say "You need to go, you're hurting me."
It may feel like the end of the world in that moment, but a true twin flame is not extinguished and even in separation there is connection, there are lessons learned, transformation that occurs.
This is your path to walk and the twin flame is something that is bigger than any of us and it will do what it wants. We are a bit at its mercy, but we do have power and we absolutely must gain the ability to be our own advocates.
I believe there is a change in the planet's energy needed before things for the twin flames will ease up. In the meantime, we are left in turmoil and agony and all we can do is learn to deal with it and to keep going.
Yes, I know you want them back if they've left.
Yes, I know you want them to love you the way you love them.
Be patient dear kindred twins, I believe in my soul that this will happen, we are merely waiting for that shift and take heart because you are far from alone. I have literally talked with hundreds of people in the last year, all in some sort of pain and separation from the person they believe to be their twin.
I've known I was destined to be a voice in the twin flame world for many months now, but I haven't been ready. I wasn't wanting to pick open my own wounds every day, but with that flood of love that washed in last week, I'm realizing it's a love so big, it cannot be contained to just my twin, it is for all of you who are in this with me. All of you who feel lost, afraid, alone and I will be here for you.
I am not like most out there because while, yes, I believe this to be a spiritual journey, I believe it is one played out on the earthly realms with our humanity in tact. I believe we have to deal with the very real life part of this and I believe that is part of what is causing the pain and the confusion. We are very human beings experiencing a soul we only have truly known in the spiritual realms. it is confusing, they are our other halves, yet they act in ways that don't make sense, it scares us, it scares them. We push and pull and wrestle and run, but this is not a dance that must be played out together, there is always healing, always lessons.
At the end of the day there is one key element... surrender.
This journey takes on a life of its own and you cannot control it... all we can do is trust it, love them and have faith in something bigger than us directing the movement.
This is never going to be an easy journey, but it is one with great beauty and a wealth of gifts to bestow on you.
Below is an excerpt from book I wrote to help any of you in turmoil with your twin journey. You can read more and get all the information at my website or by clicking the link below.
I wrote this book out of the deepest love, not just for my twin, but for all of you. There is pain and I had to answer to that. This book is a salve, it's a life jacket, it's something that will allow you to come up for air and I pray for all who read it, it gives you a moments of sweet, pure peace. Namaste, peace and blessings to all ~ Samantha
An Excerpt from Sanctuary ~
I hear often from people that they fear their
twin leaving them. I hear the pain in their words as they are in separation. I
hear desperation, confusion, loss… what I rarely here is trust, faith, and
that, my dear kindred twins, is where we need to get to, faith in the journey
and trust in yourself.
In the darkest hours of my twin flame journey,
I was more alone than I had ever felt in my life and that terrified me. I remember
some nights lying in bed, not able to move for physical pain that was wracking
my body head to toe, because I could feel
him with this other woman.
That kind of pain messes with your head, I
won’t sugar coat it, but at some point I started to gain some strength. I moved
closer to faith because I knew there was no way on earth I’d be able to handle
this on my own and slowly I learned some very powerful lessons, the least of
which was trust… not in him, but in myself.
Experiences change us, define us, and
oftentimes, lie to us about who we are. For a very long time, I felt like a
victim to my twin. I felt like I had no power. He was my twin, the other half
of my soul. I knew it, what options
did that leave me, but to wait? To sit through his other relationship and have
faith one day he would return to me.
I will tell you now, I believe that to be the
biggest mistake I made throughout my twin flame journey.
When we believe the lies, like being helpless
within our twin flame experience, we embrace them and those lies become the base
for how we live. When this happens to you, your life is weakened, your building
on a façade that won’t withstand the storms and you are never further from true
reunion, in my opinion.
One of the things that seems to be sticking so
many of us, is we have a skewed view of trust.
Have you ever said, “I have trust issues”?
They pop up as abandonment issues, fear of
commitment, fear of being hurt, but it all boils down to “I don’t trust you”.
When we don’t feel safe with someone, we put up
walls to protect ourselves. It’s very
hard to put up any real walls with your twin so you are left feeling intense,
forced vulnerability. Add to that all the information out there seems to be
saying this is the one person on the planet you should be able to trust and they are acting in a way that screams,
“No you can’t!”
Do not give your twin a free pass solely
because they are your twin.
I am the first one to jump up and start
screaming, this is spiritual stop looking at it from such an earthly
perspective, but in truth, we are human and there does need to be some form of
balance between the spiritual and the reality that you’re dealing with.
My twin has severe
abandonment issues and he used to tell me all the time, he didn’t feel safe
with me, but that he did feel safe with the girlfriend who had betrayed him
several times. That never made sense to me.
As the truth of the twin flame became clearer
to me, I understood why he didn’t
feel safe. It had nothing to do with me, it had to do with his deeper knowing
of what was about to happen to his life if he chose to embrace his twin.
This is a complex experience with many layers
and two people who have a lot of personal baggage, because while he was saying,
“I don’t trust you” I wanted to be
his safe place. I knew in my soul he
was supposed to be mine even if he never acted like it. In fact he told me on numerous occasions that if push ever
came to shove and he had to hurt me or her, it would be me because he knew I
could handle it and she couldn’t. That doesn’t make him safe for me, does it?
We have to be realistic.
We have to hear
what our twins are telling us, either with their words or actions, and be honest about what that means for our
relationships, but here’s the game changer…
You don’t have to be able to trust them.
You have to be able to trust yourself.
The last year of our relationship, I wasn’t
interested in him as a man I wanted to live my life with so much anymore. After
all, he’d hurt and betrayed me, but I still loved
him and he was still my twin, so I wasn’t about to abandon him. What I learned
in that time was that I didn’t have to trust him to be in the relationship. He
was going to hurt me, that was something I knew. I couldn’t trust him in a
traditional sense. Now the common idea is that when you can’t trust someone,
you can’t be in a relationship with them and there is good reason for that and
I am not advocating staying in any
relationship where your health and safety, physical or emotional, is in
jeopardy. In my case however, what I realized was, really, who can you trust?
We all have pain, we all have baggage. I’ll
guarantee you if you’re in life even a little but, you’re going to get hurt.
You can’t go around, walls to your eyeballs, spending all your energy
protecting yourself. That isn’t practical and it isn’t healthy.
What you do is hone the skill of being your own
warrior and white knight. You learn that you are capable of handling bad
things, hurtful things, in a rational manner without inflicting more damage on
the people around you. You learn that you can take your pain and your
brokenness to your god and leave it there. You learn that you have remarkable
strength that is supernatural that provides you extreme comeback abilities.
don’t have to trust the other person.
You have to trust yourself.
I always call the path of self-awareness the
“hard path” because it’s hard to really look at yourself, your flaws, your
wounds, your history, with honesty. It’s even harder to take those wounds and
allow them to be cleaned out and healed, but in truth, there’s no other path
I’d ever want to be on. I know from my own experience, that the pay-off is
always worth the pain. Even in my twin situation now. I know someday I
will be with my twin again, what that reunion will look like, I have no clue,
but what I do know, is I’ve learned to look out for myself. I know where I will
not allow him to take advantage of me or hurt me. I know that I can show him
love, whether that’s in friendship, as lovers, or even if the separation has to
October 2103, when I last spoke to my twin, and
all of that November, I thought I might die from the pain. I wondered how I
would ever want to live again. I wondered what difference god made, light made,
truth made… I toyed with giving up on everything I believed… but I got through
all of that, stronger, wiser, more enlightened and most importantly, I earned
my own trust.
I am a smart, caring, creature of love and
light and truth. I seek out that truth every day, every way I know how. What
I’ve learned about myself is that I can handle my life. I can handle my
finances, my weight, my career, my relationships. I can be my own advocate, my
own protector, and that’s not a sad thing! That’s not the back-up plan. That’s
the right thing, the best thing.
So now I have to ask, do you trust yourself?
Don’t give me a knee jerk, “yes”. Think about it. Really think about it. And I don’t just mean with your twin. As I keep saying, this book, what I do, it’s about the whole of your life. Do you trust yourself with money? Do you trust yourself with the opposite sex? Do you trust yourself as a parent? Do you trust yourself with time?
So now I have to ask, do you trust yourself?
Don’t give me a knee jerk, “yes”. Think about it. Really think about it. And I don’t just mean with your twin. As I keep saying, this book, what I do, it’s about the whole of your life. Do you trust yourself with money? Do you trust yourself with the opposite sex? Do you trust yourself as a parent? Do you trust yourself with time?
This is important and hard to face and it may
take a little time to find and deal with issues like these, but I absolutely
guarantee you that when you do, you will see a rebirth in your life. You will
feel a new energy that allows you to reach higher and soar further and it will
be a salve to much of the pain in your twin situation if you are living with
the fear of them leaving you, or if you are fearing their returning.
You don’t have to trust your twin.
have to trust yourself.
i really don"t care whether he feels safe with me or someone else because they are white and blonde and know how to give a blow job. which is what i was told btw. if that's his idea of a perfect woman i say go for it do what feels right for you, just don"t fucking straddle your ass here on the less greener side. he wont leave me alone and goes on and on telling me Im fat, Im ugly Im stupid, i am useless, i wear shitty underwear, i have crappy accessories, like cheap shoes and a cheap watch the list goes on and on, oh yea my house is a slum, i say to him you are perfectly untitled to your opinion. go be with whoever you feel safe with, feel happy with, just please leave my home. and if you cant then don"t fucking preach to the masses and use me as a guinea pig to write all your TF literature just because you want to be in the hall of fame
ReplyDeleteLoonette none of that is acceptable behavior whether he is your twin or not. The first thing I tell anyone dealing with this is that if there is no respect for you as a person, as a soul, then that person is nowhere near enlightened enough to handle any relationship and you need to just walk away and focus on your own journey knowing that this phenomena does work itself out eventually one way or another.
ReplyDeletePlease be safe, please heal your heart and don't let anyone treat you with anything less than dignity and respect, ever. Much love to you ~ Samantha
Hi there, thank you for sharing. This is a very low point in my life. My twin flame left very recently. In many ways I have not come to terms with it. It was very sudden and unexpected. Tge way it happened caused me a great deal of pain and heartache. Im still questioning my own sanity and trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together. It makes it harder when you cannot talj to friends or famikyas it is not a 3d experience. It is but it isnt sine tge main aim is enlightenment. Im very very sad that I may never get to see her again and talk. She has cut all contact with me. I did nothing wrong for her to do so and I had no say. She just abruptly saud Im letting go and cutting contact with you. So mucg more happened that was deeply painful for me that she chose to do. Anyhow again ty for sharing and forgive the mistakes as I am writing for my phone.
ReplyDeleteMy twin left me abruptly 6 months ago. I can't begin to describe the pain that I have experienced since. It's debilitating. I'm at a very crucial point in my career, and I'm paralyzed emotionally and mentally to the point that I fear for my future. My twin only took 4 months to start up a new relationship. It is beyond me how he could so easily transition, and how strangely accepting all of his friends and family are of it. It's like they completely forgot the relationship we had a short time ago. He cut off contact with me following the breakup, although insisted on staying social media friends until I finally told him enough was enough and asked him to cut that tie. It was too hard to see how happy he was without me. I'm scared I've done too much damage since then with occasional (ignored) emails and maintaining some contact with a couple of his close friends (all but one has now stopped talking to me), that I'll never have him back. I'm scared that this new girl is "it" for him. I don't understand any of this. Why would we agree before coming to this life that I should endure so much pain from this, when I've already been through too much of it prior to us meeting? I finally felt safe, at home with him. Now I'm worse off than before we met. No matter how much I read about twins, the journey, etc, it just doesn't make sense to me. No one should ever feel this bad. No one should ever intentionally make someone else feel this bad.
ReplyDeleteNicole, I feel your pain. My TF & I were together for a year & a half. We stopped talking two months ago & she already loves her new girlfriend. I feel like she thinks her new girlfriend is "the one" as well but just understand that your TF & my TF want us deep down. In their heart & subconcious but they are running away from us because we're their reflections. When she left I just knew that her & I are not done & that when we have both changed into who we need to be God or the universe will have us meet again. I feel crazy because I believe in it so much but your soul just knows when you've met. They'll come around & when they do it'll be stronger than the last time. It'll be the same but stronger & it'll be different & more fufilling. I know that my TF is in love with her new girlfriend but I also know that she loves me still & she always will. We'll be okay & our reunion may be years from now & that's okay.
DeleteIt looks like it has been almost two years since you wrote this. Have you been reunited with your twin? I hope and pray you have.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like it has been almost two years since you wrote this. Have you been reunited with your twin? I hope and pray you have.
ReplyDeleteNo, I haven't spoken to him in years now. The nice thing though is I've had such healing and created a truly wonderful life, one I never could have before going through all this. I have exactly what I always dreamed of and all I feel these days, is deeply blessed. :-)
ReplyDeleteMy current websites are (I still write occasionally on twin flames there) and for my story world. ;-)
Hi. I know this is a few years old but I can so relate.
ReplyDeleteI see that others' tfs have basically abandoned them too. My "tf" abruptly betrayed and abandoned me 2 days after my birthday a few weeks ago. It's shattered me to the core. Left me in complete agony and shock. For the first week I couldn't sleep or keep any food down. Anyways long story short I felt as if I was going cold turkey on some drug. I still can't understand it at all but thank you for letting us know we're not alone.
There's this quote I read,
"You have to keep breaking your heart until it breaks." -Rumi
Well strangely even though my soul feels shattered, there's something within me comforting me..
I have these highs and lows right now but the message is to be patient with myself and focus on my healing journey. Much love all.
Twins are spiritual teachers. Here for the new template of love. Unconditional love for the "self". The feminine will be always the one to awakening first through the reflective actions of your masculine. The twin flame journey is a spiritual connection. It will also be the toughest. You will be prepared from birth. As a twin you will incarnate into the lowest forms of vibrational frequencies to understand human conditioning to then teach others. There are many parts to this journey and it consists of three unions.sexual, 5d dimension union and 3d dimension union. You will meet your karma and soul mates before the twin. During the last stage of completion the feminine will be in full mission role. The feminine may choose to do the mission work alone. Enter into a divine partnership, please note this will be someone you have never had an Earth experience with due to never reaching this vibrational frequency or you may continue with the twin flame journey at this point the karma is clear between twins. This is the part the masculine awakens and recognises his feminine. Meaning an understanding of this deep connection. The masculine goes through great pain at this point as there has to be a balance within the twins. Your two years of pain will be felt through in a month for the masculine. The twin is your mirror and will show all that needs healing. It will be a lot harsher than the karma experience. Once the feminine has her awakening the downloads will increase along side with psychic abillties. I started to do channelling a lot after the sexual union(transfer of dna). And it was something I could not control at first. Once this happens then nothing will be able to stop your spiritual mission. I am a twin and pleaidian. I could not ever tell you someone is your twin or not your twin as it would be detrimental to your soul mission. When ever you see aspects of your twin you do not like then you turn away and focus on the self only. Reflect on this and ask "what is this person showing me?. The testing and mirroring stage can be very confusing. What happens is the feminines emotional field is usually reflected in the masculines action. So you feel worthless and not good enough. You twin may show this action through dating someone else so you twin is showing you this through his actions. If this where to happen then you would experience "purging" which is deep emotional pain. Unbearable pain that will not stop until the imprint is cleared. You will feel raw and vulnerable but we ask you to be present with it. Really feel it and push it through with as much crying as you need. You will find after this you may sleep for a while and a few days later you feel a "lightness" enter you. This is the new energy. You are asked at this stage to create your new imprint within to feel "worth it" to feel "good". You will do this through "self love" this just means self care. Eating well, changing toxic thoughts, goal setting, spiritual practice, doing things that feel good. This will change your vibrational frequency. Remember you carry over all past pain from previous timelines and that includes pain with your twin. Twins have the same mission yet different chapters. It will not be a "Walt Disney" love that's a soul mate connection. Twins are known as spiritual warriors. Their love is divine and you will always known when you come across twins. There presence is magnetic and you will be drawn towards them for guidance.
ReplyDeletethank u for sharing this article. its been 3 years and the most painful purging of my life. namaste ..