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Namaste and many blessings.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Can you go on... without your twin?

Whatever the twin flame is, it is a journey that lasts us all our lives in one way or another and patience and surrender are some of our best resources!

I know people whose twins have passed on. I know twins who are same gender and are not romantically drawn to one another, I know twins who have a great age difference, I know twins who are well educated and some that are not, I've spoken with teenagers and seniors, this spans everything. We need to make the best choices we can based on our instincts, our reality and our faith.

If you are in the place where only your twin will do for you, then be true to that. Fight for it like a hell cat! I certainly did, but I would also caution, especially if you are in groups or forums, show compassion and understand to those who do not feel this way. Fact it, not everyone is looking for union with their twin in this lifetime, I'm not.. not anymore. I already received so much from him, more than enough to last me a lifetime. My not wanting reunion with my twin does not threaten in anyway you're desire to be reunited, or the outcome thereof.

We are all on out own paths here, there is no one right answer for this... if there was it would be too easy and not the amazing life altering experience it is. This comes to you to bring you, not great romantic love, but exactly what you need in this life to achieve and become everything you are meant for.

I want you to hear that.

Reunion or not,
I still have life, love, passion and purpose to give, receive and share in this life and I will not let the fact that I am a twin flame stop me from doing this.

Being a twin, it's what I am, but it doesn't define my choices... meaning I am not tethered and sentence to a life alone, or of waiting, because my twin wants to be with another woman. There are so many perfectly good reasons for separation, karma needing to be cleared, lessons being learned, it's simply not time yet... any of these and countless others.

I do believe I'll see my twin again. I believe we will be just as intimately connected on that day as we were on the last day we spent together. I believe in the process and I believe in the purpose to all of this.

What I know for sure is even if reconciliation with my twin is one single day more, if I spend my time preparing my soul spiritually, not romantically, then that one day can change the whole world.

I know my responsibility as a twin, but I will not falsely give up my life for it.

I am here to bring light to the world, not death and sadness. You will never hear me say if you have a twin you must sit in ash-cloth and wait alone for them to awaken to the truth of this.


You have purpose.

You have a calling and a life and you need to follow those things!

What I get most upset over is that too many of you, my beloved twins, too many are not seeing that continuing your life may be the very thing that winds your path back around to your twin's.

You cannot sit and wait.

You must live!

I am blessed beyond reason to be a twin and to have had the time with mine that I did. In that time he and I shared more than most two people will share in a lifetime and I will love him to the depths of my soul until the day I die... However, I will not stop myself from finding grand romantic love or from living a full beautiful life. I won't give up on my own personal dreams of passion and travel, writing, loving and sharing my life with a man who looks at me like I hung the moon and set the stars.

It will be an extraordinary man to be sure, because I will be honest with him about Tony. There is a piece of my heart and half of my soul no other man can have, but as my youngest said to me, "No one can be everything to a person" and what I have to offer, the rest of my heart, my love, my devotion, my passion, my joy, my wisdom, insight and quirky sense of humor... the man of my heart will find that more than enough and I will love him with all that I am, even while loving my twin.

Think about how many books, songs, plays and poetry have been written depicting this, can you love two people at the same time? Of course we can and maybe it's time we were just all adult enough to be honest about that.

Be blessed my kindred twins and be light. ~ Samantha

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