I think a very common theme with most of us who stumble across this concept of Twin Flame and are in the beginning stages of the relationship is to wonder if we've lost our minds and have somehow become one of those people who stay in unhealthy relationships because you can't find the inner strength to walk away. I hope this article will bring a little clarity, strength and comfort for those of you in the midst of Twin Flame drama, or perhaps not certain if what you have is a twin flame or simply abusive.
I will jump right to the point first off, the difference between a Twin Flame Relationship and an "unhealthy" relationship is very basic in my opinion the "pain" of a TF relationship is used in
your life quite like an abrasive to polish a stone rather than something
destroying your soul. It is cleansing it. No matter how painful the
process, it IS a healthy process and I think that is a HUGE indicator of
the difference between a TF relationship and an unhealthy one.
As I have been coming to know more and more people who find themselves in the midst of what we have all come to know as "Twin Flame Drama" I have seen something I find disturbing, too many women in particular, are using the romantic notion of a twin flame excuse their obsessive and even frightening behavior in regards to how they treat or allow themselves to be treated. What I would like to say most clearly is that
Twin Flame or not, no one has the right to treat you disrespectfully and you have no right to push yourself into someone's life who doesn't want you there.
Please remember that we are all humans traveling this life path at different places and first and foremost is respect for your own journey, but just as important is the respect of another person to travel their path as they need. I know first hand how hard this is in regards to your finding your Twin Flame and them choosing to be with someone else other than you. It is one of the most excruciating experiences this life deals us and no you are not imagining that. However, you still deserve dignity and respect and you owe the same to your Twin Flame... period.
If you are anything like me, you found yourself questioning the health of your TF relationship a LOT in the beginning. I have made it my intention to work hard on all my relationships, to keep them healthy and balanced. This has been a long thread in my life and of utmost importance to me on a personal level. When I found myself letting my TF treat me in ways I first of all couldn't fathom he'd do, and I knew he'd never treat anyone else like that, I was confounded.
Now don't get me wrong, there has never been any physical or verbal abuse in our relationship. The pain, and the core issues were the fact that he fell in love with another woman and I sat by and watched and accepted any crumb he'd spare me like some pathetic stray pup beneath a table... it galled me! The pain has been unbearable at times and all the while this was going on, I had amazing men wanting to be with me and I simply couldn't. Most of the people around me thought I'd become an obsessed woman out of touch with reality, but I know myself and though I questioned myself constantly as to how I could allow him to stay in my life despite how carelessly he appeared to regard my feelings, as you know, with a TF, you simply cannot walk away from what is literally the other half of your soul.
What I've learned at this point, is though the TF relationship often looks to those on the outside like an unhealthy relationship, and oftentimes friends and family may try to convince you to get out, there is a unique and sometimes subtle difference in your soul and I would urge you to listen to that. Is the relationship causing you to confront your own issues of self and ego? Is it making you stronger, more compassionate, enlightening you, or is it tearing you down and making you less than? The most important thing for you as an individual is self awareness and honesty. No matter what relationship you are in, be honest with yourself about how it changes you. Because the purpose of relationships, all relationships, is to learn, to grow, to heal and to change, but no one should subject themselves to a relationship that tears apart their soul, their dignity and makes them question their worth. That is NOT a TF relationship no matter how strong the feelings are.
Twin Flame relationship will never be easy. They are not the fairy tale. Their purpose is to refine you, to heal you, to tear you to your core so you can become more than you would have been otherwise, but you are talking about a very painful process. Just be certain the pain you are feeling is the pain of your wounds being ripped open so they can heal, not the pain of new scars being added to your soul. At the end of the day, the only person you can trust and who can guide you is you. Get to know yourself, become as self aware and enlightened as you can, then no matter what crosses your path you will bear an inner strength that will sustain you in all things.
Until next time, peace, light and love ~ Samantha
Hello my name is Kimberly; I recently have undergone a pretty hard relationship w someone who believes us to be twins and I had began to believe it after having been in denial because of how chaotic things had been. He passed judgment after judgment on me, made demands and ultimatums over me. I was constantly jumping through hoops, then the insecurity began, and the jealousy not allowing me personal time to even meditate, always making the time revolve around him...give him attention, deal w the argument we were having right then, when all I wanted was to meditate and ground and center myself...and him...for 9 months I struggled to be myself, to express myself fully, I struggled greatly spiritually and still do as he laughs at my ideals and feelings tells me my intuition is just me being crazy, my empathic gifts which I've only begun to trust truly, made to feel crazy again, after my entire life of fighting that feeling, even after catching him in lies...and him eventually confessing...time after time I have taken him back until finally it became abusive physically ...first I thought it would all pass once he saw I was a good woman who just wanted to love him for the love I held for him was beyond my comprehension. Despite all warnings from counselors and friends, I kept on loving him...Now I think it was totally unhealthy as I did the entire relationship and tried to walk away several times, then we'd make up, then he'd dump me over the stupidest thing right after making up...up and down, down and Up all the time...I am so tired, I felt like it was parasitic but when it first started nothing could have been sweeter, we had so many things alike, both parents were alcoholics, we both come from rough backgrounds being pushed to one aunts or grandmothers after another...dealing w severe abandonment issues as well as feeling unworthy as individuals for different reasons but all the while boiling down to the same things...feeling like we were undervalued by those in our outer worlds. We at one point began working towards environmental issues over the last two months of our relationship...it seemed to me then I was finally allowing the twin flame idea to sink in, he let go of trying to control my expression as he had in beginning, he'd stop being so demanding and jealous, I thought things were finally getting better but then he lost it on me, he had been dealing with family stress but that didn't give him the right to do what he did and I couldn't see why if he is my Twin Flame, why he would choose to hurt me that way physically. There was lots of mind games lots of manipulation to make it as though my empathy was really my own projection onto him when I knew the feelings of anger and fear didn't belong to me when I'd been happy all day then once around him feel full of anxiety or anger...out of no where...but I was projecting he said...he even began calling me narcissistic because at one point of opening up to him expressing my relationship w my abusive mother and her narcissistic behavior having to remove and distance myself to do the healing to see it wasn't me, then having to relive it while with him...
ReplyDeleteI felt I was going crazy and still do why would I love someone who'm I've been told by others we've had several lives before together...why would I love someone that treats me so bad...why would I continue to take it I told myself from things I'd read if we were twins I had to be patient and loving, compassionate but when I'd had enough of the endless fights over the same things and defended my boundaries I was being abusive he claimed....I feel he was a master without realizing it, at Gaslighting...I was and am still made to feel crazy...today I found he had added a beautiful woman and felt his lustful vibrations towards her and asked why he would tell me he missed me if adding other women to distract him...he denied it acted like he didn't know what I was talking about but the minute I dropped the name of the specific person he admitted to adding her as just that a lustful distraction despite having claimed to me two days prior how badly he missed me. But see he has done this to me through the entire relationship insulted my intuition, trying to make me feel crazy!! I cannot even think about being with anyone else...but today he told me to sleep with someone else and get over him...I do not know how, if he is in fact my twin he could treat me so poorly...and if he is so horrible to me it really makes me think past all the help I offered and gave to him, past all the efforts put forth the begging for him to just see that his issues where his own and I was willing to hold his hand while he healed himself but that the abuse towards me had to stop...I am so lost I feel empty...confused beyond belief how could he treat me this way...
ReplyDeleteI swear I am going thru the same exact thing