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Namaste and many blessings.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

You Cannot Force Reunion

And furthermore, when you try, you are never farther from that desired state.

There are countless awakened twins on this planet right now and every notion under heaven as to why we are all separated. The why will make you crazy, lay it down. Fact is you cannot force reunion. You cannot think, well if only I could get this other person to understand about the twin flames, my twin knew, agreed, referred to me as his twin... and left anyway.

The twin flame comes into our lives to wake us up to god, to our spirituality, to bring us a sense of purpose that is bigger than we had before. If we let it, it will do all these things and it will transform us. What we cannot do, however, is
sit and wait, pushing and pushing, trying to get the other person "on board."

I know many teachers out there say this journey is about self love, and there is definitely a strong cord of that in there. If you pay attention to your twin relationship, it is mirroring your rougher edges, begging you to let them be healed by love, but not by the love of your partner, by your own love.

That being said, I still say the biggest lesson we are all asked to learn here is surrender.

Surrender to that which is greater than ourselves.

Perhaps it's god for you, perhaps it's simply your higher self, but whatever it is that you recognize as a higher power, that is what we must surrender to. Once we learn that, once we learn to be guided by our intuitive soul connection, the entire world rushes in and we are met with more truth, enlightenment, possibilities, and yes, even love, than we ever knew possible.

I say often that it is as if all twins are hitting the same wall and being thrown back. What if this wall is surrender? And what if what is on the other side, isn't reunion, but our purpose here within this life?

I had a dream once of a battlefield and it was all twin flames, and I ask the angel with me what was happening, he said they are being tested, because only the most pure can move into the higher realms.

I know too many who will not let go of this notion of this other person. This journey is simply more than a romantic partnership, or even a coming together with your literal other half, and you can surrender to that and have hope, or you can refuse and stay stuck in this place where you are not whole, you are weak and small, in pain every day.

I feel for as long as we chase this notion that we have no life outside of reunion, we are damning ourselves. I do not believe in a cruel god and to design us in such a way that the romantic love we desire so deeply would be out of reach or solely in another's hands, that's a design flaw. The god I know doesn't make mistakes. His ways are not common and often don't make sense to us in the moment, this is when we must surrender, and lean on our faith. We are not of his mind and we do not think like him and for as long as we insist on staying inside our box of what we think the twin flame should be, we will never see glory and we will never find truth.

This is a call to open your minds, your hearts, your souls. It is a call to think bigger than you ever have, to trust more than you ever have... to surrender.

I believe that the twin flame is a call to surrender. To live in it, swim in it, become it. It is not an easy thing, but in my experience, when you live in surrender, real magic happens. No, I am not with my twin, but I know my life and what is happening now, is more than I've ever seen. I can rise above things I never have been able to otherwise and there is more purpose in my every waking moment than ever before. These things matter to me. Every day I see and know that I've been blessed by this experience, even through the damage done, even though I've had to heal some very deep wounds and bear some very deep scars. To have learned to live this way, I am more now and I am capable now of achieving my purpose, writing stories with more depth and meaning, and of having great love in my own life. I was simply not ready for any of these things before Tony.

We must let go of our death grip desire for reunion. We are only harming ourselves, our partners, and the planet with that energy. We are the twin flames, we are special, designed to bring light and love to this world and we cannot do it from desperation, jealousy, selfishness, or depression. We must find the strength within us, not to carry on, but to surrender, right now, in this moment. Then you have to do it again and again. It does get easier, but it is something you must stay aware of.

I truly believe a life on the other side of this wall is a more beautiful, powerful place than you've ever seen. I believe that we are being called to this. I believe we have great purpose in this world and we are simply being prepared to accomplish it.

Will reunion ever come?

I don't think anyone can answer you there. Only those in the spiritual hold those answers, but in surrender, you can not only bear whatever will be, you can thrive in your life right now, without pain, and that to me is priceless.

Have heart twin flames, wherever you are on this journey, it has purpose. Don't let it take your life, release what must be released and walk into a life of acceptance and surrender and see what kind of change that brings you. My guess is, you'll start seeing miracles.


  1. Thank you so much for your great insights. I'm an older woman whose twin is a much younger man. I've been in love many times and married twice but nothing has ever felt like this. I absolutely know he feels the same way but the relationship has potentially insurmountable problems that have plagued me for months (I just became aware of what we are to each other a few months ago but loved him long before that. ..he was involved with another woman then). We quickly entered the crisis stage and he tried to run twice, and I pulled him back. The third time I knew I was defeated and just decided to love from afar. The fact that we have similar interests and see each other sometimes makes it very hard to endure the separation. I always feel his presence almost like a vision at the most inopportune times. But a few days ago I decided to give up nd surrender, and just keep my heart open. I had tried to close my heart down and felt utterly empty. It felt worse to close my heart and not feel anything than to keep it open and feel the pain of separation. I don't know if I can keep this up without falling apart next time I see him, but reading what your have posted has given me a lot of hope. I seem to be in a good space now, able to accept that at least we met in this lifetime of long searching, even if nothing more comes of it. This life is short compared to eternity, now that I know we will have other lifetimes to work it out makes me feel peaceful at last. Still....the feelings are so intense that sometimes I can't sleep or think of anything else!

    I feel sad for you that you are not with your twin. I believe you are doing a wonderful service while you wait, and I hope you will continue to do so after you reunite. Thank you so much for giving me, and others, something to look forward to and a mission to work on while we wait.

    1. Thank you for your very kind words to me. I deeply appreciate them.

      I am sorry for your pain and I entirely understand. Just remember, surrender is not the same as giving up, never give up, but do surrender to that which is greater than you. I do believe there is a point to all of this and the only way through it all is to find our god and stick by "him". I will add you to my prayers and your twin. I pray you each find the true meaning of your meeting, your bond and your union becomes something of strength for you both. <3

  2. Thank you so much. I too recently surrendered to the universe. It happened after i called my twin at exactly midnight on his birthday. He never answered or called back. The next day i made it a mission to drive 20miles to drop off a bday card and balloon for him. He wasnt home. I went on with my day expecting nothing. And indeed i got nothing. No text of thanks NOTHING. By bedtime i felt the hurt creep up, i felt angry and confused. Like geez when someone gives u something u say thanks. Lol. So i began to retreat emotionally. I no sooner did a google search on the runner and came to find out the the chaser (usually the female) is actually chasing themself and vice versa for the runner...and the if able to become aware of it, stopping all the madness is only done by surrendering! That entire week before I ironically was looking up surrender and abundance prayers. So thanks to my twin I was able to come to yet another pinnacle in my maturity...twin flame relationships are indeed a beautiful thing. I practice surrendering each day. Oh and days later he sent me a thank you text, and I thanked him as well. :) I love him, I want best for him but he needs to feel love for himself and want best for himself as well especially moving beyond his fears and emotional baggage. Only he can unpack that. I will be here, keeping contact telepathically and through minimal contact as i becomd rooted in surrendering. Namaste.

  3. Meeting my twin flame was something I never expected to happen. The moment I saw him and his smile an energy shifted within me. It felt like coming home. We spent the next six months in bliss. There was a moment when we had done lsd which I know can change our perceptions of reality, but it still happened , I felt my soul and heart energy leave mine and join his. It was like an actual wind. One night in front of a lake with our blankets spread on the grass the tears fell from his eyes, from his joy. We often said we were the luckiest people alive to have found each other. Then I got sick with bipolar and he couldn't handle the heat, we remained friends for another six months and then he found someone else. They broke up and he texted that he missed his friend very much. After I suggested a coffee date, I never heard back from him. I don't think he will ever realize the pain and depression I endured after the first initial leaving. I became obsessed and just couldn't get the memories etched out of my head. I think sometimes what kind of life will I ever lead without our adventures and love. Its to the point now that I need to surrender. Understand that if its in Gods will we will reunite. Surrendering not only the connection we had but also my mental illness which can be a dragon to battle. I have hit rock bottom. I once told his father who said to be very careful because of his job history that I would be happy to be homeless with him and the bizarre part is, I would have been. The devotion and love and obsession I felt with him would have trumped anything. My soul tells me we have been connected for ages but I cant comprehend how he could have left me so easily and just change his heart. He didn't work, did drugs, and everyone around me said he was bad news. The heart doesn't judge and just goes with what it feels. What I felt , felt divine. Still does but Ill never know if we will be with each other in this lifetime again. Your post gave me hope when I had none left. Your writing is refreshing and spiritually nourishing so thank you. May we all surrender to the Universe and understand that everything will be alright and to let our guides lead and protect us. Namaste

  4. yes, The tears roll down my face as I read other TF stories. Words written by others that I have said to myself many of times...Why should we endure this depth of pain to surrender ourselves? I spent 7 years with my TF to have him leave so quickly. It's the haunting memories of so much time that keeps me going around and around in sadness. I have never loved or felt this deeply for anyone in my entire life. I wish others who are suffering like I am, to say a prayer for each other tonight.
