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Namaste and many blessings.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Surrender & Separation Revisted

For those of us who've experienced the twin flame, it is very like living in a volcanic region. We've spent all our lives knowing on some level the volcano is there, and we may even have been told about it, or read what it can do, but when the storm actually comes and the mountain explodes, we go into an emotional overload and spend all our time dealing with ash and flaming lava trying to get to the volcano to bend to our will.

At some point though, we realize we have no power over the volcano and we surrender and get to some level of safety.

The volatile eruption then ends, but now we need to find some way to continue living in the valley of the volcano. We cannot leave, it is a part of us, but we must find a way to live with respect and reverence to the power within, without letting the fear of it, or the memory of the trauma, diminish our lives in any way.

We must celebrate the journey, the experience, our life, because after we've come through this,
we are never the same. The twin flame may stop actively erupting, but it doesn't go anywhere. We have to find a way to be in peace and have an action plan should it start blowing again.

I'm actually working on two new books for twin flames, one is the top five things I learned from this and how it changed my life, the other is entirely dedicated to Surrender. I believe, more than ego, more than self love, more than anything else, learning to live my life from a place of surrender has shown me things I never knew existed, has given me a life I didn't know was possible.

For me, the number one lesson of this journey, was surrender.

I remember all too well that place where you say to god, begging, just let this thing come together, let us be together and everything else will fall into place. Being so sure that all that mattered was reunion. I remember begging god, begging Tony, just trust this, trust me. I was committed to doing anything I needed to make this work, but nothing I did would make it work. He was still steeped in his fears and a very real love for another woman. All I could see was how it was "supposed" to be between us and all I could feel was that I was supposed to fix it somehow.

A year on the other side of all of this now, I'm profoundly grateful I didn't get what I wanted. While yes, I loved him more than I knew you could love a person, what I got in exchange for a romantic union, was a life that is beyond anything I ever could have imagined.

The last time I saw my twin flame, he literally led me into the ocean somewhere around two in the morning and had me lay down in the surf.

At first the idea was daunting. I was in street clothes, nice ones, and though we were staying at a hotel right on the sand, the idea of laying down in the water wasn’t… well I wasn’t sure.

I knew though that being with my twin that night was special, it had been divinely planned all year and I had determined to take all I could from it.

On some level, I think I knew it would be the last time I saw him.

So I laid in the water, my internal dialogue being something along the lines of, he’s crazy, my clothes are going to be ruined, I’m all wet, omg he’s going to drown me… it went on and on, but I soon quieted the internal struggle and surrendered to the moment.

As my twin stood over me, he spoke to me, directed me to surrender myself to the ocean. He talked about being like a sand castle on the shore and with every wave, I was becoming part of the ocean. He talked about letting go of pain and regret, failure, frustration. With each wave, he talked me through letting go of something into the powerful surf.

As I laid there, tiny fish swimming around in my hair and around my ears might I add, I started to feel one with the ocean. Not just the waves that rushed in all around me, but I lay looking up at a black sky and a beautiful moon and nothing else seemed to exist but myself, my twin and the elements. All I could hear was the sound of the waves and the sound of his voice and I could feel the enormity of the ocean. I could feel how immense, how deep, how much life teemed within it. I still remember to this moment that feeling and as I became one with it. I realized how the ocean was a part of the planet and the planet a part of the universe and it all rested within God himself.

I had a glimpse at the enormity of life, of creation, and I got the tiniest glimpse of the enormity of God.

From that moment something changed inside me. I felt different. I was different. I was a part of something so much bigger than myself and I realized I could truly no more control my own life, than I could control the ocean. It was in charge and I was a mere drop in its vastness.

But do you know what miracle came with that realization?

I rested.

For the first time in my entire life, I realized not only was it not my job to save everyone, but that I couldn't save anyone. It was not the destiny of my life to be some crazed, weary woman taking responsibility for the lives of those I loved. Instead I realized I could live a life of worth that made a real difference to more people than I could count, all by staying in surrender to that which I know as god.

All of life looks different now because of that night and because of that, I’m different.

Learning true surrender allows me to walk my life in flow. I told someone the other day, I feel like Peter asking Jesus to help him walk on water. My life feels now that I'm walking on water and though I'd tried time and again in the past to do this, like Peter, I'd always end up looking down and sinking like a stone.

For me, it was my deep need to have the things in my life, and around me, be in some form of order that had always made my life a mess. I've been psychic all my life and I'd have visions of what I thought life was supposed to look like and I took on that responsibility to make certain everyone was playing their "right" part. It wasn't because I thought I knew better, but because I honestly believed that was the purpose of my gift.

Truth was, while I had a choke hold on my gift, it couldn't do what it was supposed to. Now I know the true secret to walking on water is to keep looking directly into Jesus' eyes. I know, a bit religiousy, but the principal is the same. Whatever your spirituality is, you must surrender to that which you know is greater than you. You must lay down all the things you think you want. You have so much more than that in store for you, but the only doorway to any of that is surrender.

Surrender permeates everything.

Learning true surrender was the last gift he gave me, ironically enough, and it allowed me to let him go that morning in October when he called up and betrayed me yet again. It allowed me to say, it's yours god, and I know you don't want me treated like this. It allowed me to be open to doing readings professionally, to follow my true calling in helping other twins, rather than in the past as I tried to shut that down in fear someone would take something I said the wrong way. It's helped me switch from writing "romance" novels to creating from my soul, epic love stories that will heal and change the planet. I've got the law of attraction working in my life now and I'm fulfilling a destiny I never knew was mine.

From the moment I learned true surrender, everything has opened up and I live the bulk of my life in the magic of "flow". That was something I was simply not capable of before Tony.

Someone asked me today what I thought Tony and I were supposed to bring to this planet and while I wouldn't presume to speak for him, I know what our union, brief though it was, brought to my life and what I'm bringing to the planet now as a direct result of that.

For me, I found the journey with my twin flame prepared me for a life I never knew I wanted or was even possible. What I discovered is that separation is an illusion. That this life is but a heartbeat. That miracles happen all around us all the time. Most of all, when we find surrender, the ocean sweeps in and takes us wonderful places we never saw coming.

For readings, classes and services I provide for both twin flames and simply living the life of your dream, please visit my website and if you have any questions, contact me through the contact page there. Be well and be blessed and live this life in the beauty of surrender.

~ Samantha Lucas

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