Today is such a special day, with the solar eclipse, we have a lunar eclipse coming on the 4th. Two total eclipses back to back seems incredibly special. Plus we have the equinox and tonight's super moon, lots is going on out there in the universe and that barely scrapes the surface.
I just wanted to take a second today and remind you all to breathe.
God has this all under control.
There's nothing we can do to force the timing of the universe, but when that timing is revealed, in matters small and large, it always reveals itself to be perfect.
Astrologically, with so much happening, from eclipses, to retrogrades, to trines and squares, the energies are changing. Surrender is being demanded of us, not just in our twin flame journeys, but in life in general. We are being asked to surrender our egos and realize we are spiritual beings of love and compassion.
It is a time to breathe, allow ourselves to be vulnerable and just be.
We are being tested by a lot of these energies right now, and this is a great moment for
healing as well. Work with it if you can because the entire universe has lined up to help you in this moment.
I personally don't believe the twin flame journey can be completed until you've come full circle home to yourself. I believe our twins come into our lives, activate so much in us that's dormant, awaken us, show us things unimaginable, then leave so we can deal with it all.
That being said, it's such a different time than it was several years ago when I went through my twin journey. There is so much information now and groups and blogs and people trying to help light the way. Those of you still actively in your twin pairing, have the best chance of all in not having to do the back and forth of come together break apart, but it's going to take two people who are very dedicated, connected and enlightened to walk this path and find that balance that allows you to stay together. I do think it's becoming more possible to do so now though.
Always remember though, you are but two people in a grand cosmic dance, and others around you and across the globe have to get their choreography down right too for everything to shift and align as it is supposed to. I do believe however, that is exactly what's happening around the world. Be patient, take heart and know you are playing a great part in humanity's history.
Regardless of what is happening in your journey on a personal level, always remember it's about you first and foremost. This is a call to awakening, a call to metamorphosis.
The twin flame journey for me, was a complete transformation of everything I thought I was, into everything I am today. It was painful, I thought I'd never make it through. In moments, I wished I'd never met him.
In the end, I have been burnt to ash and recreated into something more alive, more powerful and more present than I ever knew possible. That excites me. That made everything worth it. And I know without doubt, that whatever is meant to happen from here, will... I don't need to struggle with it, manipulate it, fight to control it... It already is and all I need do is be.
That of course is the trickiest part of all this. Even when you have those flashes of enlightenment and for a split second, you get it, it's so hard to maintain. Take heart though, because for those of you on your truest path, the one destined for the highest good, not for self, but for the planet. Those of you seeking to do god's will (however you frame that) in your life, for you, you will see amazing miraculous things begin to happen in your lives, and in the world.
Those of us who have awakened enough to see it, should be prepared to be amazed because the world around us is changing and those of us who are true twins, are at ground zero. We are truly blessed to be alive in this time.
Many blessings on this equinox.
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