A Twin Flame Journey does not begin and end at our first kiss, our first moments of awakening.
This is a journey you better buckle up for and be prepared to be in it for the long haul. I believe that with all my heart and soul and I guess that's why my thread to the twin flame world tends to a wider net than most. I truly believe reunion will come to those doing the work, but that work includes taking care of ourselves physically, spiritually and emotionally.
What I've created on Patreon is a place to function as much like a virtual school or retreat as I can and I've done it above all else, for you, my kindred twin flames.
When I went through this journey there was nothing there for support or enlightenment. No place to go and just catch my breath, maybe read a book, or see something that made me smile and forget, just for a moment, how hard this all was.
I have a passion to help those who want to walk through this fire and come out the other side changed for it. If you're willing to show up and do the work, I'm willing to show up and hold your hand, guide you where I can, and love you no matter what.
May is going to be our best month yet. We'll be finishing up the Wellness Project with a look at aesthetics, physical beauty, nutrition and fitness, then closing the series with a look at evening routines and deepening our connection to self and spirit.
I'll be starting a series on money, but it's not what you think. This will be sharing wisdom and lessons learned from a life of feeling like I never had enough, then realizing I ALWAYS have enough. I don't think there's anyone out there talking about what I'm going to share with you. If you struggle with fear, anxiety or stress over money, I'm going to gift you with new insights that will lead you to peace.
I promise you, if you get this, your life will never be the same. <3
Also I'm continuing Aurora's quest for love as the group dates and behind the scenes mysteries heat up and I'll be debuting the passion project to end all, Sagittarius Ascendant.
All that plus all the regular stuff I give you like morning blessings, card draws, sharing my favorite teachers and little tips and ideas to help you live the life of your dreams.
I truly hope you join me. Subscriptions start at $1 a month and includes most of the content, but go take a look around and see if one of the "rewards" fits you. Whatever you decide, I pray you are blessed and well as we enter a new month. Namaste and blessings to all ~ Samantha
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