People have often asked me, Why?
I share the darkest parts alongside the bliss moments, because I feel that's part of my soul contract, to be transparent. I know often my words are a blessing. I know in that darkness, in that struggle, some of you find comfort. Also, when my life is on target, it's pretty damn amazing and I never want anyone to get the idea that it's somehow different for me because I never seem to struggle.
Oh I struggle!
To the depths of hell sometimes I struggle.
Even with the things I've learned and know, even with all I've seen and experienced, I still hit black moments and there are lessons to learn in that. This path of being a twin flame won't end until we leave this earth and with every corner there is something new to discover. There are days I equally love and hate that part, but at the end of the day, I believe this is the path I chose, or at the very least, agreed to, and so I walk it with all the truth and passion I can muster.
I'm extraordinarily sensitive and am hurt very easily too and the dark side of this task I've committed myself to leaves me vulnerable to those of you who take advantage of people like me. Using my pain as fuel for your cruelty.
Oftentimes my words simply are taken in ways other than I meant them. I have slowly come to learn that's about them and not me, but still, every nasty comment or email I get where I'm told how I should live my life, leaves marks. Marks I bear as a part of my walk in this world. Despite it all though, I wake each day renewed to do the work I do and face each new turn and revelation... and I TRY to do that with faith and love... emphasis on the try. ;-)
I have gotten a great deal of hate lately, and probably well meaning, nevertheless aggravating, advice from people who truly don't understand me or my story. I share my life in the hopes it inspires someone, comforts someone, makes someone realize they aren't alone in what they are going through... I do NOT share it as an open forum for all of your opinions or advice, particularly where I need to handle my twin flame relationship. I have very good people in my life who I seek out for council, and I have very powerful guides. I'm not looking for opinion, nor approval. What I'm seeing though worries me because, though I happen to be strong enough and confident enough in my path that I don't waver no matter what crap is flung at me, not everyone is like that. There are many vulnerable hurting souls out there who bravely share themselves in some public way and if you are telling other people how to handle their walk, for whatever reason, that is not what we are called to and you are playing with people who are in pain. That's not funny. It's irresponsible.
Internet bullying is out of control and this is exactly that.
In the past few weeks I've been told to get over myself and just go back to my twin. I've been told that a light worker is really just an ally for the dark and I should hate myself for leading so many astray from real truth. I've been told that I clearly hate myself to even be thinking of finding another romantic partner. I clearly didn't learn anything from my twin flame experience. And that they hope that I get the shit kicked out of me by whomever I choose to f*c%. And a few other things I won't bother to say.
Like I said, I am a HIGHLY sensitive person and each of these words have left their mark, even though
I realize they come from a place of darkness and hate. However, I happen to be strong enough in my faith to carry on... not everyone is like that and you hit someone with these words who can't handle them... you've very likely pushed someone into a dark vortex where they will remain lost for who knows how long.
Stop the cruelty and get a life.
As for me, I hope that most realize that it's too hard to try and explain every nuance of a life in a thousand word post, but I do hope that what gets shared is helpful in some way to some one. When all is said and done, where I'm right and where I'm wrong, I just pray it blesses others on their way.
As twin flames, we have been given a mission of love... but that love is not just for our twins and not just for those who've gone through this incredible journey. We are to spread that to all the world. One of the things I get so criticized for, is that I speak to everyone, not just twin flames. I believe in health, wholeness, balance and love for everyone. As a twin flame it is more my responsibility to seek out the lost, the lonely, the broken, whether they are a twin or not, and give them light, comfort, and nourishment.
That being said, every word I write is for twin flames first and foremost. There is a lot of differing advice out there for twin flames, what it is and what it should be... please never take anyone else's theory as your own without careful examination. There is no one here who's got this written in gold. We are light workers channeling, filtering and sharing what we learn know and experience. No one has this exactly right and if you make the mistake of following one piece of dogma you will miss out on real truth.
The twin flame has become like a religion, differing beliefs, people arguing and beating one another up over choices being made, words being used... we are here to be love and in many cases we are doing no different than what everyone who's come before us has done.
I believe true twins will rise above this. We are called to a higher standard, we are called to walk and speak our truth and if you can't support someone else's choices, unless they are actively harming people, you bear the disagreement in love.
Namaste - meaning the piece of god in me, recognizes the piece of god in you... we are all from the same source... we all want to walk our highest truth... you have to do that from a place of love, not judgement.
For myself, the work I do, I support love and health in this lifetime. I believe that twin flames are eternal and reunion is something decided before incarnating. There is nothing to be done to make this happen. What I focus on in my writing, and will be doing even more so going forward from here, is how to live as a twin flame... in separation, in the turmoil, in beautiful peace... What does it mean to be a twin flame and what is your call to this world?
Those are the questions that matter and because I believe in supporting a whole life, I write about health and fitness information from time to time, spirituality, healthy relationship advice, whether it's with a twin flame or not and even articles on loving again after a twin flame as many of us are finding this to be useful and desirable.
Below is some of the content shared today on Patreon. You can also find some of my archived twin flame articles there as well. Every day I do a morning blessing, a mantra, and an oracle draw, here are today's -
Morning Blessing:
Like when a storm ends, everything is much clearer. The dust has been removed, things are clean and shiny. Today is a day to look at things with fresh eyes. Even to make a fresh start.
Whatever god has been pushing in your heart, today is the day to say YES to that.
With that in mind, today I bless us all with fortitude and bravery to take that leap of faith, to follow a dream, to start a new relationship, a new job... whatever is in your heart, today I give you love, support and encouragement... go get it!
You are braver and stronger than you know. Let the storms of chaos and loss pass now and step into a new world that is full of possibility and hope. Aho and Amen, so it is.

As we spoke of in the morning blessing, today is a new day, a fresh start. This card 100% backs that up declaring - Rejoice, for spring is in the air and you’re beginning again.
This marker bodes well for any new project, endeavor, relationship, or idea to take shape and to be birthed into the world. It also reminds you that anything old or painful can be brought forth or transformed by a new and creative perspective. I know many of my followers are also fellow artists and spiritualists. We are the sensitive ones, shy about putting our work into the world sometimes, but this card encourages us to embrace our truth in this new start.
No more doing it other people's ways... trust and have faith.
This marker reminds you that the process leading up to a birth can feel cumbersome, restrictive, painful, and never-ending. We've all been through our storms and they can leave us feeling drained, at a loss. Yet the final shift brings an extraordinary gift of new life, a new vision born out of surrender, and a total release.
Surrender, reaching that is like the baby being born, the butterfly wrestling out of it's cocoon, it's damn hard work, but we can get there and know that we’ve come far! This a place to celebrate your ideas and all things anew.
This card asks that you align yourself with the Mystery of Spirit— the true source of creative energy and power. I would ask you, if you struggle with faith in god to support your dreams, why do you have such faith in the world system, and so little in the god of your knowing? Isn't he far more powerful and able to do miracles on your behalf? I know I see that in my life constantly, but don't think I'm saying it's easy! It is a constant choice, which will you believe, that which you see with your eyes, or that which you know in your soul?
If this is a time of rebirth in your life, then I would encourage you to truly start new, more faith, less fear. None of us are inspired without the subtle and profound influence of the soul’s longing and the urgings of the Divine. If you are feeling that, it is real and you can trust in it.
Remember the prayer, “Make me a channel for Divine creativity; use me as an instrument of a Higher Will,” and watch a miracle unfold. Blessings to you today and always.
If this blesses you, consider joining us on Patreon for your daily blessings, oracle draws and much more. Of course, that's where I also share with you all my new fiction that I'm writing, Starlight Key, a very large story of soul mates, twin flames and destiny. I hope if you have a chance to catch the daily scenes here, you will be blessed by them, particularly as the story grows deeper and those soul bonds really start coming out to play. There are full downloadable episodes on Patreon, plus bonus content too.
All the above being said, it is my mission to create something for life. For beautiful passionate life and at the end of the day, the most base truth is that I need support to be able to really dedicate myself to this work much longer. I've been doing much of it for free for two years, but I am coming to an end of being able to do that. I've dedicated so much time to this work, that I have not been writing fiction the way I used to and I am at a financial crossroads. I have about a month left to see if I can continue this work and it effectively comes down to people supporting the work on Patreon. Even as little as a dollar a month will help me be able to continue doing what I do, here, and in the other platforms.
I want to continue in this, but I need to know there is support and a need. So please, consider subscribing to my work on Patreon. I offer a lot of perks, including transferable discounts on readings to your family and friends, one on one mentoring, downloadable content and more. I respect your time and money and only want to bless your life, support your journey, and inspire your beauty in the world.
Thank you for reading my words, have a blessed day and rejoice in this beautiful time. ~ Samantha
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