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Namaste and many blessings.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Dreams are our Destiny

As you must know by now, unless you've just accidentally happened by my blog, I am a dreamer.

But more, I make my dreams reality and never more so than with the last three years of my life. Moving to Florida changed me, meeting Tony re orchestrated my cells, there is never going to be a "going back" at this point, so as I am about two weeks now from this life altering event hurtling it's way towards me, I find myself knowing my truth, staying the course, and having faith in the god I know.

Whatever happens in two weeks, it will be for the highest good of all involved, because I've stopped fighting it. I've aligned the areas of my life that were off in egoland, and I'm find tuning everything else.

As I've been on this journey I've spent a good deal of time examining my beliefs about dreams and talking to many people about dreams in their own lives and I think for me, what I've come to believe is that those dreams that live in your soul, they're ordained. They are your destiny. You were created to walk a path that fulfills them. So it doesn't matter how big they are, or how grandiose, they are yours. You can have them if you believe, follow the path and do the work.

I believe there are different levels of dreams. There are things that simply feel good and we desire them and then there are dreams that live in our soul and there is no escaping them. Two people could be "dreaming" about the same thing, a house for instance, but for one, the house symbolizes something that would be really awesome to live in, and for the other, they know they were created to live in that house.

For the sake of this blog post, I'll be talking about the latter. The dreams that are more than fanciful wishes, but in truth is our destiny calling.

The first thing you have to know when you are going to follow a dream, is that there's not a parade thrown in your honor. If you're lucky, you have a few people in your life that will stand by you, but for whatever reason, the haters are gonna come out of the closet and they'll find you.

Dealing with haters has been some of the hardest parts for me. I've been that extremely sensitive person, the same one I was as a child. Oftentimes it's my inner five year old reading the words, "You're a selfish whore" then I have to remember it's my job to protect my inner five year old. I remember that the person who is offended by my work and what I do, isn't the person I do the work for. It appears to me
that the attackers are nothing more than jealous people incapable of dreaming so therefore they want us all to live with the same restrictions life has somehow put on them... to remain ordinary.

We as dreamers are spectacular and you should never allow your dreams to be taken from you. I don't care what it is or how crazy it may seem, those are the best ones!

Where would we be in this world without the dreamers? Would we have discovered the world was round? The telephone? The ability to fly? Would we have ever landed on the moon? Would there be art? Cures for disease? Disneyland! Architecture, movies, books, that inspire? It is the dreamers of this world who are creating this world. We are the ones who tell people to reach farther, try harder, we are the ones through whom creation is fulfilled.

Never apologize for being a dreamer.

This is such an exciting time. There are so many of us going through the final stages of our transformations. I would like to remind those of us who are true twin flames, we are not here to only speak to other twins for truly we are rare and small in numbers. I fear the community is becoming more and more like a religion every day and we forget we are not meant to isolate ourselves from humanity, but we are here to light it up!

We can't do that by only sticking to ourselves, speaking to ourselves. We must realize there are many among us who have lost their way, but the beauty of that is that they haven't lost their way, they have been brought to us so we can give them truth and light.

I can feel myself stepping more and more into my own truth and not being ashamed or afraid of it. I'm branching out more, away from solely talking about the stages of twin flames, into how to live life, follow dreams, create a sanctuary for yourself, create your life, because that's the call I feel on my heart. I want to share my life and inspire you to create the life you dream of.

I'm done with negativity and fighting with people to stand my ground on my own truth. I'm entering a phase of unparalleled love and compassion for myself, for this world and the people in it.

I really feel the push of Saturn as it steps back into Scorpio to "finish up" this work I started three years ago. I've lived much of my life being afraid to speak up, because I didn't want to hurt anyone, even by simply disagreeing with them. Now, I'm finding that my voice has purpose, my point of view has wisdom and that I have a place and a platform that god has given me to use. I'm even finding peace in my heart when others can't see my point of view, or even when they are hateful in response. I could have never imagined that possible for me given my overly sensitive inner five year old I mentioned earlier.

God is so exceptionally good. Three years ago, I thought I was headed out on a grand adventure. I thought I'd get a few great months out of it, then it would be back to my "place" and a quiet life of playing the "Sims". I didn't know how I'd ever make the dream I had then into a reality, nothing in my history supported that I could do such a grand thing as move to Orlando and stay afloat.

What I didn't realize was it was never 'my' dream, it was god's dream all along, the one he placed in my heart at creation and those dreams, those are the ones that contain the magic.

I've felt the pull to teach all my life, heck, I home schooled my kids, but I never saw myself here certainly. In a place where I get to influence so many people. You all write me and tell me how I've helped you through such dark times. That, and the people my kids have turned into, is the highlight of my entire life. It's a heady thing really and it's taken me years and years to accept my purpose. This journey has been going on long before the move to Florida happened, but here I am. The signs and shifts have brought me here to exactly where I need to be, exactly when I needed to be here, and there's no turning back now.

It has taken me this long to get to a point where I stopped believing the people who have always surrounded me that told me my dreams were silly, ridiculous, worthless... they are not. My dreams are a gift from my creator, a life map if you will. Because when I travel the path to those dreams, no matter what they are, I learn, I grow, I meet the people I'm supposed to meet, and I grow closer to my creator.

My dreams probably do sound silly to most. I don't want to star on Broadway, run a fortune 500 company, or cure cancer, I want to live inside Disney World. Yes the big picture of that dream is more encompassing, but that's the core. Everything I'm supposed to do with my life stems from that dream I've had as long as I ever remember, back to being four or five years old. I dreamed of this long before there was ever even the possibility of owning a home inside a Disney Resort, but I knew I would someday.

In California, I got as close as I could, I lived on the same street within walking distance of Disneyland, but I knew in my soul, this wasn't it. I need to be inside. Disney is a part of me, it's written on my soul for some reason. I can't explain, but as I work for this goal, I achieve so many smaller dreams along the way that I'm covered in dreams come true like pixie dust and what does pixie dust do?

It makes you fly.

I have been told all my life that the "life I imagine" is not possible... so I tried to settle, I tried to be content, find happiness in "the best I could get" and I've had a modicum of success at it, but what I find myself asking now is why I listened to these people for so long?

If you get nothing else from this entire post hear this...

Do not EVER allow small minded people to steal your destiny!

Because I assure you, they will try. Whatever you dream, and I don't care what it is or how much of a waste people have told you it is, if its a soul dream, it IS possible. You do it, create it, achieve it, LIVE it!

We are special people, the dreamers. You have been gifted with that dream, it's yours to care for and birth into this world. That's a responsibility, not a waste. A dream is very fragile in it's beginning, it needs you to protect it and believe in it, fight for it. When you hit that finish line, you'll be so glad you did!

If you can dream, you have been gifted with hope as well. Your hope is beautiful! Wear it like a cloak and no matter what, just keep going!

My dreams transform all the time. My most recent? I want to purchase this old hotel near where I live and turn it into a little bit of dreamer's haven/hotel/place for people to start again.

It's a HUGE dream with an enormous price tag, but I've learned that when god gives you a dream, he gives you the money, resource and people to make it come true.

Believe that. It's absolutely true.

What do you dream? Are you walking a path to it, or have you let the people around you shame you into forgetting?

Come with me.

Leave behind the past, the people, the things, the responsibilities that are holding you back, keeping you from all you could be and reach for that dream. I have such faith in your ability to soar because at the end of the day, like for me, your dreams are so much more than a fanciful wish, they are your destiny.

Destiny is calling.

Are you answering?

I am! :)

1 comment:

  1. I like to share my dream on what I believe is my "twin" I had dreams about him even on his bday we were cuddling ang kissing and it felt so realistic......like I feel it!! It was amazing after my first kiss with him on astral dream like when I woke up, my mind was completely blank, like my first kiss has been taken away!!! (lol) but before I had this experiences I saw a video of him and felt captured by his...everything?? (omg I'm too corny) but its true its like my whole focus was on him, and later around April 11 my cousin introduced me to him online, we had that sweet and lovey spark but our ego's hit us quite hard, and the ending is a cold separation we haven't met in person :( ever since then I never experienced those astral dreams before, right now idk if I should believe he is 'the one' or should I just move on.
