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Namaste and many blessings.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

My Best (brief) Description of Twin Flames

If you've found this blog via google search and are just trying to come to grips with what a twin flame is, what I'll say is that my ideas and beliefs on this subject have changed a lot over the past few years. If asked today, this is most likely what I'd say...

A twin flame is what people used to think a soul mate was. It is the legend that a twin flame is the literal other half of your soul incarnated in a separate human body. Whereas a soul mate is someone you've known from past lives and have a deep bond with. Soul mates are not always romantic. They can be your friend, child, pet, while a twin flame always has a romantic love component to it. However my personal belief on this subject is that the journey itself is not a romantic one, but a spiritual one.

No matter what twin flames are in reality, this is a relationship that defies all logic. You share such a deep bond with this person and closeness, they truly do feel like an extension of yourself. You know them in a way that is inexplicable. There are many signs to tell if a relationship is a twin flame or not, from that feeling of coming home, all the way to prophetic dreams, telepathy and supernatural gifts coming to life when you are with them. The connection is unbelievable.

The trouble is,
it's so intense, people can't handle it for long. Along with being able to know what the other person is thinking and feeling entirely in sync with them, you also mirror one another's broken parts, which is excruciating. The purpose in that is to find the deepest pain you have so that it can be brought into the light and ultimately be healed. You have to be willing to do the work though and that is not easy.

While the twin flame relationship is good, it is beyond what you've ever imagined you could find in this world, but when it is bad, it tears you apart on such a deep level, you can't imagine ever recovering from it. This other person lights up parts of your soul, your brain, your spiritual gifts, you never knew possible. You feel alive, in love, bliss, but the interaction also shred you to pieces and cause more pain then you knew you could handle.

I have been through this and am happily separated from my twin flame now. What I'll tell you from a personal place is that being in that relationship, changed almost everything about me. It was like a holy fire sweeping through my life and burning anything that didn't serve. In the end, I allowed the divine to rebuild me into someone who I am now. I will be forever changed by the relationship, there isn't a day where I don't see that, see  him and how he affected every part of me, but when it was at it's worst, I seriously thought I may die from it and without my deep abiding faith, I think I may have.

Now I extend myself to others going through this, because the hardest part, is that no one around you will understand what's happening and that can be unbearably lonely. You feel like you're losing your mind. There are moments you literally wonder if you're going to die from this. I try to stand in a place of reason, compassion and understanding to any that come my way. I don't like to get hung up on the label, because I've spoken to more people who were going through hell with a soul mate than a true twin alignment, and those can be just as life altering. I don't judge, because it's not my place. Whatever you are going through, if it's affecting your life, then it's important. Twin flame, soul mate, or some type of relationship we have no term for yet, it doesn't matter. What I know for sure, is whatever this phenomena is, it's very real, and it's affecting people right this minute all over the world. I've been there, I survived it, and now, if I'm able, I try to help.

The place I do most of my soul work these days is via subscription through Patreon, this is where you'll find the full telling of my twin flame story, now in progress, through a private blog available only to subscribers. It's unbearably vulnerable, raw and uncensored. The bliss, and then the ultimate hell, but if telling this story helps someone, then I'm prepared to do it.

If you'd like to know more about me and my twin flame story visit my website at www.samanthalucas.net or at Patreon at www.patreon.com/SamanthaLucas

Thank you for listening and may your day be extraordinarily blessed.

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