The one thing I believe above all else about Twin Flames is that it is a spiritual refining fire brought into our lives because we have journeyed enough, grown enough, experienced enough enlightenment to be able to handle the pain, the heat and the intensity of the fire which will transform us.
I find it disturbing, however, how many people are looking for ways to ditch their Twin Flame rather than grow and learn from the experience.
I understand the pain, I truly do, but this is a refining fire, it changes you. It is here to heal, to sand away edges that never should have been there and to help you transcend to a higher plane of existence. The process of being carved is NOT an easy one, but the master carpenter at work is more than trustworthy and will never impose more pain than necessary, or more than what you can bear. Surrender to the process and trust the carpenter.
If you can see this as the holy experience it is, if you can embrace it, despite the pain, if you can allow it to do it's job, you will be transcended on the other side.The difference in being destroyed by the fire and being refined by it, is
how you respond to the fire. It is when we fight it, and agonize over the why of it and the unfairness of it that we get sucked down into a cycle of unhealthy energy and self destructive patterns that will turn us into something we don't want to be. In essence, when we attempt to control the carving process in our own way, we will make a mess of it and be damaged for it.
I have experienced both these phenomenons within the context of my Twin Flame relationship. I spent much of the first year we knew each other confused, scared, hurting, and wallowing in self and ego. Then I had the breakthrough where I saw a bigger picture and was finally able to surrender to my god and the purpose of this relationship. I surrendered to the missing romantic piece that I wanted so desperately and I used every ounce of the pain to strengthen me.
It was not easy.
Something this life transforming will never be easy and if you are looking for the easy path to an assured happy ever after, then I suggest you read this article on letting go of your Twin Flame and move on. There are soul mate relationships out there that will give you the romance and the happy you're looking for and be a hell of a lot easier.
It's not wrong to choose that path. You simply have to be honest with yourself.
If you are blessed enough to have a Twin Flame, then you are being offered something remarkable, IF you can sustain the energy and stay the course. Be honest with yourself if that's what you desire or not. Are you willing to put yourself through this to become something greater than you are now?
It is not easy to work these kinds of relationships out, but my advice is often to forget the romance, at least at first, especially if there are other people involved or commitments in place with either you or your tf.
Focus on the connection, the intensity, the bond. Focus on working through areas of trust and being one another's center. There is so much more to the Twin Flame relationship than romance and great sex, but you may have to be willing to let those things go for a time to be able to see what else is there.
If you are at all a dreamy romantic, as I am, that will be one of your most difficult challenges because you will see in your Twin Flame the potential for the culmination of every romantic fantasy you ever had. Be willing to wait for it to come to you. Align yourself properly, spiritually, and in your core platonic relationship with your Twin Flame, the energy will do the rest for you because in true Twin Flames, you cannot bear to be apart for long stretches of time. Just employ patience, focus, and calm, and I truly do believe you can have it all.
Go through the fire, become the person you are meant to be and that person, will not only be utterly irresistible to your Twin, but will touch the whole world as well.
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