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Namaste and many blessings.

Friday, January 16, 2015


True Twin Flames are supposed to help shift this planet into a new energetic reality. The only way for this to happen, is to evolve past our notion of self.

For as long as we stay stuck in the lower energy of control, desire, pain and demand, we will not see union and we will not see this planet shift.

It is on us, the twin flames to rise above the pain, to rise above the situation.

It is for us to transcend, discover and claim true, unconditional love, but it is not a romantic pairing with the one you love that is your true mission. Instead it is the ongoing, always flowing triangle of love between yourself, your twin, and that which you know as god.

Your twin does not have to be a willing participant in that triangle for the love to flow. You, however, do and too many of us are sitting, closing doors and cutting cords and doing things they don't even understand to rid themselves of this "burden" that is in truth, quite possibly the greatest calling anyone has had on their life since Christ himself.

You have to find that state of surrender, where you can say be free, be well and be blessed my love, for I hold you inside me and I need not hold you physically.

I sometimes wonder what would happen to this planet if we twins would
collectively sigh in surrender and say, be free beloved and return to me when you are able... and mean it.

We spend too much time trying to force reunion, damaging the beloved, scaring them, chasing them into darkness. No, it's not our intention, but remember they are just as scared, just as overwhelmed, just as pressed by the intensity and the realization of what is before them.

When you are talking about a true twin union, there is no running from it. It will live in you and with you eternally. Our chasing is only pushing them farther. We must have faith, not only in reunion, but in our mission on the whole. If we are still breathing, then we have not failed and I don't know about you, but I believe in an all knowing god who isn't stupid and doesn't make design flaws. Not even something we see as permanent in this world can stop a true twin reunion and we must keep the faith of that.

I don't talk about the sacred reunion much because too many are in too much pain and too few are really ready to hear of the truth of this. Sacred, full, reunion, can only come when both halves of the soul have completed the work they need to do. In that moment, I do believe it is a coming home, a looking up and simply knowing this is finally it.

What I would advise you above all else, my beloved twins, is that if you are in separation, that you are preparing yourself. You have no control over your twin, or their journey, but the freedom to be whole in separation comes from surrender and faith in the perfection of the outcome.

This will be what it is meant to be, in the time it is meant to be in. We are talking about a god that created everything we see around us, do you honestly not think he has a plan in play for this?

You rise up in the morning and you bless that god with your mouth and your actions, and you go to sleep at night and you say a prayer of protection over your twin, you send them your love and you receive it back through the sacred triangle of self, god and your other half. You remember your place in all this and you work diligently on your own coming home so that when the true time of reunion is at hand, you are ready and you will not be left behind wondering what happened.

Be well and be blessed my kindred twins and above all else, be the manifestation of true agape, unconditional love. Light up the world, for that's what flames do. ~ Samantha

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