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Namaste and many blessings.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

I'm Not Afraid to Be Wrong

And in truth, I hope I am, but what I know for sure, is that I have this one moment to live and I will make the most out of that moment.

What I know for sure is that I am to be a voice for the weak and the lost and I am to shine a light to solid ground and that I will always speak to that.

What I believe in my soul is that I'll have many more moments after this, that I will live a life of great worth and experience love unlike anything I can fathom right now and that I will even see my twin flame again.

When it comes to twin flames, I speak from my truth, my experiences, what I know, what I believe, what I have been shown by my guides and spiritual teachers.

What I share is what I know to be true in this moment.

I am not afraid for everything to turn tomorrow as some new revelation is made, in fact, I expect it.

What I believe is that this lifetime can be a very long time, decades and decades, and none of us know what will happen tomorrow, let alone next year, or in twenty years. Though we are in separation now, that may not
be the last chapter. However, I hate to see people get stuck, not living their life because they want to be with this one person and I'm seeing it happen all the time, for years and years, if not decades. I cannot sit here and not speak to that. It is my life to shine light into darkness and that is not always comfortable for the person who was sitting in the dark. I know this and I do try and be gentle, but I will not be silent. Right or wrong, I speak with love, the best I know today.

Life is precious and you are purposed to live it. We have to live each day the best we can because that moment is the only one we are guaranteed. If you are in separation, then find whatever it takes to not only bear it, but thrive in it.

It is possible.

I see it every day now, thank god!

There is a revolution here now for us twins. We have beared the pain, but we refused to die from it and now we are seeing tremendous blessings and that is powerful!

I don't like getting hung up on the label of "twin flame" because the truth is, a twin flame is exceptionally rare. Whatever you are experiencing, whether it is a true twin awakening, or something else that, for you, is just as powerful, compelling and life altering, doesn't matter. We've all experienced something that is changing who we are to our cores and we have to deal with that in this moment.

There are a great many teachers out there who will tell you to hold on, that this is the year it will all shift and maybe they're right, maybe it will shift and if you want to hold on, that's fine up to and until the point where it is compromising your life.

Remember that there is a light and there is a dark and each are fighting for your life. It is the old tale of the black dog and the white dog. Which one will win? The one you feed. You have great purpose in this life and such extraordinary gifts to bring us all... don't let this extinguish that, let it ignite it!

I believe the truth lies in surrender.

I believe that not until we can say with complete honesty to the divine, thy will, not mine be done, will we see that rush of enlightenment.

We all know the twin flame experience runs in stages, I believe this is the stage for the twins to find their truth, find their strength in themselves and start bringing their gifts to the world. That excites me!

This is an incredible journey of great worth, purpose and beauty and I will always speak to the parts most are not.. the gifts this holds, even in, and I dare say, especially in, separation. I will speak to being healthy above all else, because unless you are in a place of wholeness, how can you ever come to union? We must do the work and for most of us, that means truly letting go of our twins, at least for a time. If you cannot fully release them, I don't believe they can come back. I believe the energy created when you are longing, lingering, suffering, blaming, that acts as polar magnates of the same frequency pushing your twin farther and farther away. It's time to flip the polarity and if it is the plan of the divine, allow them back with the beautiful energy of surrender.

It is a lengthy journey, one you cannot take until you are ready, but when you are... it is hard, it will break you, it will turn you to ash... and from that ash will rise the most beautiful rose you have ever seen and in that moment, you will truly know gratitude.

We are coming into a time where we will see true twins, in separation, start to change the world. We have found our strength, our gifts, our clarity and we have come full circle to wholeness, completeness in ourselves, feeling our twins with us always, and letting that be a source of strength, rather than pain, in our lives.

It is time twins to awaken and bring your gifts.

The gift my twin and I are bringing to the world has started with the fiction world of Starlight Key. This is the newest phase of this journey for me. I never realized before how it truly was Tony and I together that birthed this. Now I can see it with clarity and this is our twin flame gift to the world, even if I am the only one physically, actively working on it.

That to me was mind blowing and it was one of those moments where you don't know the truth of it... until the moment that you do.

I couldn't have spoken to this aspect of twin flames before now, but experiencing this new facet, this new truth, has rejuvenated me and my passion for true twins and living an extraordinary life.

I do hope you all will join us on Patreon and be a part of this family I'm building.

Don't get bogged down by the semantics or the language or the labels. Know that whatever has come into your life, twin flame, twin soul or soul mate, there is rich purpose in it and profound blessings. Let's just walk the path together in love and be healthy!

Much love to you all today and always.

For more on the world of Starlight Key please visit www.samanthalucas.net and www.patreon.com/SamanthaLucas


  1. sorry my caps lock is sticking for the most part. please forgive the lower case.

    i've read your posts for the better part of the day, after searching for help with confusion over being a christian and having this stuff happening to me seemingly out of the blue. So many of your thoughts and encouragements really helped clarify my thinking, and warn of what’s to come.

    what happened was, i started receiving information in my spirit this past february about someone i didn't know from spit, hadn’t been looking for at all, yet felt this deep inner urge to write about. Then I started doing some detective work on him, checking what I received, and sure enough. He was exactly as I knew he would be, from his very own lips. i'd never heard of him before this. This frightened me so much I shut the whole thing down for a while. i've been a happy, content born-again Christians for thirty-odd years, so all this was completely bizarre, going against everything i know as reality. (the visiting pastor in my church even spoke against this very topic today, as being from satan. i don't know if that's true or not. how could the things i learned about this person, being confirmed in so very many divine ways, be evil, and this pastor's message be right? Are both right/wrong? to top it all off, everyone at the church considers this man a 'holy man', deeply spiritual and compassionate.) anyway.... Your blog was the most honest and heartfelt of all the info out there, helping to clarify some key issues. However, I now have even more questions than answers!

    i'm learning about this tf stuff as i go along, having never encountered it ever before. soulmates, yes, which I never believed in, but never tf’s. As an aside, an odd thing happened the other day. i was in a store i never expected to be in, and a young boy about nine came up to me, staring unwaveringly into my eyes. nowhere else. i couldn't look away and neither could he. suddenly i recognized it as a spiritual connection, and said to him in my mind, ‘welcome to the world of spiritual soulmates, child’. he smiled the most beautiful smile then wandered away with his mom. it gave me such peace to have that experience, whether he was a messenger, a soulmate, whatever. Idk. Go with God is all I can say.

    But all the above isn’t why I’m writing this. What showed in many of your posts was, I realized your tf really is helping you grow in a way, inadvertantly, to become a deeper spiritual person. Or higher. I’m not used to the jargon quite yet. Whether he knows it or not, he’s helping you move forward even in his physical absence. Of course, its you doing your own work, mind! You are becoming a better person after meeting him. Right? What do you think? Mine is certainly helping me, even though we’ve never met. So far. I hope the blessing is mutual to him as well.

    if anyone told me this past January I would be going through this, I would have called the white coats on them. Regardless, I’m on a journey I never expected to take, let alone enjoy.

  2. Skip all the above comment. 'Maladaptive daydreaming' is what i was going through. for me, life right now is very scary, and also very lonely living by myself all of a sudden. but loneliness is REAL. fantasy is not. Whatever human emptiness we can name has solutions if you search for them and dare to put them into practice. fantasy never does. you can't force anyone to act a certain way in reality. you can only allow yourself to act.

    i've found out quickly that fantasy hurts me. it's deeply painful when it fails to come true. don't know about anyone else, but i'm not a fan of pain. it doesn't make me feel alive. it makes me feel dead, which i certainly am not. i'm not enjoying this any longer, so i'm going to stop. there is no such thing as twin flames or soulmates. i am whole, completed in Jesus Christ alone, because HE alone is complete as God. i am not. i'm damaged, human, frail, confused, fearful, but i'm not so attached to my fantasy dream man to buy into the twin flame fantasy to anyone again, or needing to believe it in order to feel alive, safe, cared for, whole, or anything else. i've noticed lately you can learn from anyone. little moments each day, such as a kindly 'hello' said to a passing stranger teaches you a lesson, and them as well. love your neighbor as yourself. so why not smile at myself, too? i'm worth the effort.

    Today the Lord gave me the most simple admonishment which hit like a ton of gentle bricks. 'Today is here. Today is real. Today is yours. That's all I'm giving you today. Enjoy it for what it is.'

    and so, the adventure begins....

    okie dokey, Lord.
