I believe in everything that I am that there is purpose beyond imagination in these reunions. However, I also believe there is purpose in the separation.
The tricky part is living while separated. Yet it is imperative that we do.
I believe to the depth of my soul in the purpose of this journey. I believe in the separation because, though it is painful, it is in that time that you can become all that you cannot rise to when you are in the tumultuous intensity of being together.
One of the reasons I don't like using the twin flame label all that often is because I know thousands of people think they are with their twin flames, who are not. They are simply in a karmic relationship and have bonded themselves to it with the belief of twin flames. There can be tremendous purpose in that, but at the same time, I find this to be despairing because too many are remaining stuck in these unhealthy patterns and that is not the highest good of anyone. Therefore, when I write, I want to encourage everyone to be healthy, be whole, and keep moving in this life because it will be over before you even realize it.
Today though, I want to talk specifically to those of you who are true "twin flames". Again I am not sure about the label, but you will know who and what you are when I use that term and I believe the truth will resonate with you clearly if you are this sacred partnership.
This journey has greater purpose than many of you realize as you are still in the
lower energy of romantic illusion. Once that begins to clear, and you realize the depth and eternity of this bond with this soul, you will see that you are being called to something much greater.
Tonight's full moon in Libra will bring you tremendous opportunity to move forward. To heal wounds that I assure you are holding you captive to the lower energy as much as if there were physical shackles around your wrists and ankles.
To see reunion, to come to completion in yourself and in this life, to fulfill your purpose, you must allow the separation and you must move forward.
For myself, to move forward in my life, I had to release all hope of reunion. I stay open always to the will of that which I know as god, to that which is destined. If Tony came back, changed, I would recognize it. I would accept it. I would be my truth. There is a part of me that still believes that is what is to be, but I know it won't be in any way that my human reasoning can comprehend in this moment. So I release it.
If reunion comes to me, I will recognize it.
In the meantime, I have purpose in this life and I will fulfill that.
I am urging all of you to do the same.
The twin souls are vitally important to this part of the evolution of this planet, we do not have the luxury of sitting around spinning romantic tales. We have been asked to be more than that, and I believe we agreed to that when we entered this life.
The spirit world is mystery to those of us here, but it reveals itself more and more every moment and we are particularly blessed in this time to have the ability to even discuss these things in such open ways.
Separation is an illusion. I still meet Tony in the astral, in dream state, in meditations and sometimes, when I simply walk around a corner. I know his spirit, the essence of him. He may not be physically in my life, but he is still all around me and though I'm not always grateful for that, I do accept it. I listen, and I allow what is true for me, to be true. I allow the separation to serve its purpose, knowing it is the same for him. He is with me always, but I have much to do here and I will not sit and wait because I believe that would be a betrayal of us and of my place here in this moment in time.
Today I speak to those who are the spiritualists, the mystics, the teachers, the healers, and more, this is an important time and it's time for us all to walk in our truth and bring to this life, this planet, this moment in time, that which we are meant to bring.
Release wounds tonight that tie you to the lower energy, things are just about to get very interesting around here.
If what I do, heals, teaches, inspires, or touches you in anyway, I'd ask that you consider supporting my work, either on Patreon, or through one time donations through paypal. I know that those I am to protect and teach are coming, this is the invitation to be a part of it all. Blessings and so much love to you all and especially to my kindred twin flames. ~ Samantha
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