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Namaste and many blessings.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Patience... I promise it's all working the way it's supposed to.

I declare it is not too late to accomplish everything God has put in my heart. I have not missed my windows of opportunity. God has moments of favor in my future. He is preparing me right now because he is about to release a special grace to help me accomplish that dream. - Joel Osteen.

Today I bless you with patience, for yourself.

Too often we get frustrated on our journey because we feel we aren't making enough progress, that our dreams are too far out of reach and nothing we do seems to make them come any closer.

What I promise you without doubt, is that things change in a heartbeat and what looked miles away one minute, is sitting in your lap the next.

When we are on a god directed path it is never a straight shot to our destination. That is because so often we aren't ready to have that thing we have asked for. It is the journey that prepares us.

It is like the butterfly who needs the struggle coming out of his cocoon in order for his wings to dry. Without the struggle, he dies.

I know I am seeing things come into my life today, that had I not been through everything I have the past three years, I wouldn't have noticed, wouldn't have been able to handle, and wouldn't have accepted.

And yes, I'm talking about blessings-- relationships, money, experiences. I'm so indescribably grateful for the life I've had these past three years and for the changes I see every day... yes, I struggle with patience, though not near as much as I once did. I have learned that all things in god's perfect time, are far greater than anything i could grab for myself out of impatience.

If you are honestly walking this path to the best of your ability, then give yourself love and accept when things go slower than you'd like. Don't wrestle, struggle and fight when you don't have to. Save your strength for those fights that are meant to be fought. When you rest in faith, things reveal themselves to you, but if you are pushing, demanding, trying to manipulate or control, you will miss what matters most.

I absolutely promise you, it's all working the way it's supposed to.

So today, I am asking you all to breathe just a little bit. Rest in faith. Have patience with yourself and your journey and know that it is all in divine timing.

You are loved more than you know and god is working in your life on your behalf right this very minute.

Be well and be blessed and know that you are much loved - Samantha
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