I was blessed one evening to spend an entire night, beachfront with my twin flame.
Somewhere around two in the morning we went down to the water and laid down in it. It was lovely and warm and the waves fairly light. I will admit, however, that it was a strange thing to be doing; laying in the surf at 2am in your street clothes with tiny little fish swimming in your hair every time a wave came in!
We were doing some intentional healing work with the surf, intentionally releasing pain and past hurts as each wave receded. It was a very powerful moment of a very powerful evening. However, at some point, after the weirdness of it all wears off, you realize you're laying there in the Atlantic Ocean, a body of water that bridges continents, has ships sailing in it, whales, unknown depths and tons of sea life we've probably not even discovered yet.
At one point, the enormity of that just hit me, and it was as if I had transcended to a place where I too was a part of this ocean and connected to everything in it.
That was a very heady moment, if you will.
As I lay there though, feeling all this life and even the dark components, I thought to myself what a miracle the ocean was. It sustains life. It has mechanisms built in to protect itself from the stupidity and carelessness of humanity. It's almost as if the water itself is sentient ruling and protecting what's "hers".
And I thought to myself in that moment... How much more so, God?
I realized my understanding of that which I know as god is no
different than how I was thinking of the ocean that night. We're swimming in "him" the same as the fish swim in the ocean. I thought about life and pain and struggle, leaps of faith and being afraid and thought, as the ocean takes care of everything in it, god takes care of us.
Whether you consider god a sentient being, or simply energy, it's set up to be just like the ocean. Life sustaining, providing what we need, caring for, correcting grave mistakes, and just as the creatures in the ocean surrender to that water, we too can and must surrender to god.
I thought about how ridiculous it would be for a humpback whale to decide to fight the ocean. To decide what alkaline quality he'd prefer, or what the currents would be on a given day.
The creatures of the ocean live in a state of surrender to the ocean.
I believe, we too, must live in a state of surrender to god.
If the ocean maintains life, cares for and provides for all that is in it, how much more so, God?
At the end of the day, you cannot fight the ocean. Do you grasp the enormity of it?
The Atlantic Ocean alone (second largest on the planet) covers a total area of about 106,400,000 square kilometres (41,100,000 sq mi), approximately 20 percent of the Earth's surface and the same as the sky rises above us to unknown heights, the ocean floor goes to unknown depths. You aren't going to assert control over it, it can do with you what it wants.
The matter lays in trust.
What is your faith?
Do you believe the god of your knowing to be good? Because I do. As the ocean sometimes corrects itself for the good of all the life it holds, so too is it with god. Thinking of Noah and the flood from biblical times as a rather extreme example, but the point is that at the end of the day, we don't have any control over life, but if you have faith, trust in a good "ocean" life will take care of itself.
Stress, in my opinion, is the number one killer in the world today. It leads to so many disease, weakens the body's natural defense systems and accelerates disease already in the body. How much less would you stress if you truly understood you were a dolphin swimming in the ocean and you had as little concern or control over life as she does over the ocean?
Living by faith is hard. I've been doing that alone for four years now. I make weird life choices at times because of it. I still deal with fear and uncertainty, but I have the best life I've ever had. I love my life and I cannot express that enough.
It's not perfect. I still have big dreams that I'm following, and REALLY wish I were closer to, but I am happy and in love with life in a way I'd never known before I took that first really huge leap of faith and moved to Florida.
My entire life looks differently now because I think of myself as being a part of this great ocean, and I know the ocean is all around me with an enormity I can't begin to comprehend, but that if I swim with it's currents and I become a part of it, all will be well... and is. This has not failed me even one time in four years.
God doesn't bring us half way to a dream and drop us on our assess.
Whatever we are in, no matter how scary it may seem, we are safe. We are a part of the ocean and all is well. We must swim where we are meant to swim, whether anyone comes with us or not, or if anyone else believes in us or not. We have the ocean on our side and god will never leave us.
I don't think god has the ability to walk away from us, anymore than the ocean can walk away from the kelp that floats in it... tosses it on shore for a time, but always reclaiming it in the end.
That which belongs to the ocean is the ocean's and that which belongs to god, is god's... and I for one, know that I am god's.
I guess I've just come to a way of viewing my life as being a piece of god. I am as much a part of that which is unknown, as the dolphin and the whale are a part of the ocean.
If I tried to leave, my survival rate would be about the same too.
Nowadays I stress less, enjoy life more, feel more joy and bliss than I ever have and I believe that's because I now live a life of surrender, listening to my inner compass, my guides, my intuition and I was able to finally lay down my need for everyone else's approval on my life.
No one thinks the sea bass crazy for swimming in the ocean... life is all about perspective and with this shift in mine, I am free in ways I never have been before because at the end of the day, I don't spend one moment worried about what the ocean is doing and if it has it's stuff handled...
How much more so, God?
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