What you'll find here is an array of content from articles on spirituality and twin flames, to serialized fiction and novels, to encouragement, blessings and humor for life.
Let me take you through a bit of what you'll receive in being my "patron"...
Twin Flames
If you don't know what that is, that's totally okay, you're still most likely in the right place!
The years I went through my own Twin Flame journey utterly transformed and defined me and now it is my passion and sacred mission to bring light to others on their life paths, whether that be a Twin Flame journey or not.
The thing about Twin Flames is, it's really about the journey and what makes a person strong for their twin flame journey, also makes them strong in life. I share my personal experiences with my twin flame and my spirituality with a focus on the journey, not the destination. While some content is specific for Twin Flames, much is simply labeled for spirituality and good insight for anyone.
It is my desire to bring light and love, wisdom and healing to all who join me here and certainly to those Twin Flame's who assemble. You and I are kindred. I understand the pain and the longing, but I also understand the surrender and the peace and I want to help you reach that stage in your own journey.
For my BDSM followers, you'll want to check out Starlight Key, a serialized erotic romance with elements of Domination, submission, a little bondage and polyamory. With me though, it's always about the relationships and showing how love and soul bonds change a person and heal even the deepest wounds. This link here will set you up with episode one.

Whether you've experienced a Twin Flame, or any other extraordinary soul bond, you will find something of worth in Starlight Key and I'm running daily scenes (Tuesday - Friday) all summer long. It will touch your heart, make you cry, give you hope and remind you of how important you are in this world. Keep in mind, this is a passion project and largely unedited. I do appreciate your looking the other way at my naked writing. For more on the Key, check out the Starlight Key pageon my site.
Destiny - It's a beautiful thing.
Also in the coming months I'll be giving you all a first look into a series of blessing and prayer book I'm creating, letting you all be the first eyes to see them.
Healthy Living
Then of course, you just get ME!
That's a good round up of content and what happens here. If any of this makes sense to you, then please consider subscribing. Subscriptions start as low as a dollar a month, but you can give as much as you feel called. I work hard to make sure you have content that can't be found anywhere else and please know, I treasure each and every person who supports me this way. Without you, I wouldn't be able to keep making a difference. I just wouldn't. You matter to me, but also to a lot of people who'll remain nameless and faceless, but who matter.
For more about me, check out my website and whatever your journey, whatever your struggles, I hold you in prayer and I bless you deeply from the bottom of my heart. ~ Samantha
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