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Friday, June 6, 2014

Things I believe about Twin Flames

Forgiveness takes time and consistency. If we have been left, rejected by the other half of our soul, that brings with it a level of pain that no one who hasn't walked this path will understand. It is part of our journey, in many cases it is the pain that prods the awakening. At some point however, we must come full circle back to love and holding anger, resentment and bitterness distorts our pure love vibration. Letting go of, not only the pain and anger, but of the expectation of reunion which in turn holds onto the heartache and disappointment, and simply being at peace in the love is the hardest and most beautiful thing you will give both you and your twin, but that is your task, embrace it with everything you are.

I have long said that a lack of authenticity in both his and my life is what caused a lot of discord between Tony and myself. I believe that to be the case between many twins. We have a soul knowledge of one another, but if we aren't living our truth, then we look at each other through a fun house mirror with the image distorted, but the thing is and when you feel a knowing of this person, but what your eyes take in isn't right, that conflict can cause panic and running.

It is the beauty of the twin flame to do this, because the twin flame is absolutely a call to authenticity within your own life. True twins will call one another to their highest self, there is a demand for absolute authenticity for reunion to even be possible. So if you see this dynamic taking place within your twin flame situation, take heart in knowing this is part of the process and it's one of the parts that you actually have a ton of control in. This call to authenticity, is yours to take... so dig deep my beloved twin flames and answer that call.

Twin Flames is not a romantic fairy tale, it is not an excuse to carry on an affair, it's not something to use to get attention from people by either emphasizing the "poor me" factor, or the "look at us and how great we are" factor.

There is too much emphasis on the romantic union and too many are teaching that to be the soul purpose of this. You will never get that here. There are many reasons I believe this, but truly, if we are talking about one soul in two bodies, there is a completion there absolutely, but to think the sole purpose to be romantic, well, it's rather narcissistic in my opinion, plus it severs the very real fact that soul bonds are all around us and each one has great importance to us, our story and our journey. We play an important part in other's lives and they do in ours. When we set our sights solely on a monogamous, traditional romantic union with our twins, in my opinion, we are cutting off  very real and very needed experiences and connections.

If you think you've met your twin, the first thing you should ask yourself is what am I being called to bring to this planet, because that is the point here. You and your twin may not end up together, but they are in your life to wake you up, shake you to your core and set you on your path to changing the world... so what are you bringing to the table?

If you don't know... then you either need to figure it out, or possibly take a real hard look at this relationship... maybe it's just a powerful soul bond or a karmic loop you're stuck in.

In my opinion, if there's not a call to serve the planet mixed in with the drama and the bliss... then it's not a true twin flame. 

My twin gave me something of unfathomable worth.

He gave me the ability to love... really, truly, love.

I never knew it before I knew Tony, and I never understood it before I became it. Now I have this extraordinary, powerful, life changing gift and where I differ from so many others out there it that I don't hold this gift in wait for my twin to return... I hold it in wait of a man worthy of it... and then I intend to give it fully, wholeheartedly, with all that I am... not as a consolation, not in some hope of replacing my twin, but in honor of him and the love we shared.

For me, that's the truth of twin flames.

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